Route Information


Kammanassie Camino

Route information

Take time to breath and appreciate the uniqueness of each route, from awe inspiring vistas, free roaming wildlife and mysterious ruins. The terrain varies from gravel roads, jeep tracks and single tracks. The elevation varies, please refer to the elevation profile of each route. All routes will be guided and requires a moderate/medium fitness level.

Zebra Climb (Kammanassie Blue Private Game Reserve) ± 22 km

The winding jeep track will take you through an ever-changing landscape with captivating scenery and sightings of free roaming wildlife in their natural habitat. Sightings of the endangered Mountain Zebra and the vibrant fauna and flora will contribute to an inspiring walk.

Zebra climb route profile
Zebra climb elevation

The Route of Ruins
(Kammanassie Blue Private Game Reserve) ± 13.5 km

Transport will be provided from the Bush Camp to the starting point. After completion of the route, a support vehicle will transport you back to the Bush Camp. A route that is steeped in myth and mystery. Nestled against the hills are the preserved ruins of two dams and other structures. The origins of the ruins are unknown, but speculation dates back the ruins to the middle 1900 when Italian prisoners of war assisted in the construction of catchment dams.

Route of ruins route profile
Route of ruins elevation

The Lookout – The Camino Celebration Route ± 17.5 km

The celebration route takes you through Kammanassie Blue Game Reserve, private farmland and Cape Nature Conservation. On this unique journey you will walk in the shadows of majestic rock formations until you reach the protea forest lookout point where you have unsurpassed views of the Swartberg Mountains to the North and the Kammanassie Mountain range to the South. The views combined with the altitude are breathtaking. Prepare yourself for a jeep track at a steady incline. The terrain is rocky, but not technical or difficult and no climbing is required. Once you reach the lookout point, it is time to relax and a surprise will awaits you. After a relaxing time on the mountain, transport will take you back to the Bush Camp. It is compulsory that all walkers and hikers stay on the jeep track provided by Cape Nature Conservation.

Look out trail route profile
Look out trail elevation